Maze Books..

11:13 PM

So i got inspired from the video above and made a batch of these...

The first set I made says "I LOVE YOU" and "FRIENDS"..

I decorated the pockets as well!

Pocket of book no.2..

The second set includes "TEACHER" and "BEST FRIEND"..

Pocket no.1..

Pocket no.2..
I used A$ sized paper to make them and they were just SOO much fun to decorate!... Instead of the three creases... I made only one on the sheet with longer side vertical... makes a perfect gift... and can be used as a journal, album... or simply a card... anything you want it to be!... I'll be selling them at ebay too...

All of 'dem 2gether!!

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  1. Spardha!!!

    Girl this is so so so cute!!!! thanku so much for sharing. I absolutely loved ur created maze books!!!

    Am so gonna thry this and real soon!!!



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