

7:43 PM

Hey guys!
I have quite a heartwarming post for you today.

As a part of our initiative to give back to the society we have been planning craft workshops, tying up with a few NGOs, and collecting supplies from our amazing community.
The idea behind the workshop is to teach the children language, practise team building and channel their creative energy into making something productive.

Our first workshop was held at Disha Public School, New Delhi on April 21, 2018 with great help from Sakshi NGO and their teacher volunteers.

We hosted a class for a batch of 30 amazing tiny humans, so enthusiastic to learn and impressively creative with their techniques. We started by dividing the students in groups of 3 and giving each group a paper slip with a word written on it. During the designing process, they got to learn the meaning of the word, share their craft supplies among the other groups and eventually come up to the front of the class and teach what they learnt to their friends.
We eventually decorated a school board with their cards and they can proudly show their teachers how creative they are!

I have created a video to give you guys a tiny preview of what kind of crazy goes on during the workshop and hopefully to encourage more people to take a step in this direction.

A shout-out to our amazing crafters' community for donating supplies and helping make this happen.
We'd love it if you can join us in this cause. Click here if you'd like to volunteer.

--- Happy Weekend! ---

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