
Just for you..

9:41 PM

I just discovered something about me!.. Whenever I try to be more sophisticated.. the look of my card worsens! :(.. so here's another card..

Not too happy with it though.. but anyways.. used my new stamp and some "bling"!...

Oh and a message to you all.. I had got a few stamps made for a friend but then she backed out.. I can't use those as I already have the designs.. so I'll be selling them really cheap.. if interested, mail me!

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  1. I like it! :) love all the paper tearing.. whats there not to like??
    I read this blog http://simplicitybylateblossom.blogspot.com/2010/05/tea-and-philosophy.html

    Do Read this.. It helps!!

    Hey let me know what stamps u've got.. and how did u get them made??

  2. I love the look of it Spardha! The colours you've incorporated are great. Very interesting look overall :)

  3. It's an interesting-looking card Spardha...with the colours and stamping! Don't be too hard on yourself! :)

  4. I think these look nice... the colors are very different and very pretty.

    Like you once told me - "maybe nt the way u thot they r gonna turn out.. bt hey! only u know wt ws in ur mind rite?!.. so for us.. these are the usual wonders! :D"

    Cheer up dearie...


  5. lookin ncy,love the colour combo:)

  6. Hey this is lovely Spardha.......love how the blue just pops.......

  7. loved it!! the paper tearing technique always look fab :D
    And i have mailed you regarding your spare stamps!

  8. I can totally relate to you I have had a couple of those days too...though this card is unique and it really looks good.

  9. Hey Spardha...please check the blog candy on the side bar of my blog. I think it's a great opportunity to win some fantastic stamps. Please pass the word around to everyone.

  10. gorgeous card Spardha! The color combo is really unique!


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